Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Been Awhile...

Well, over a year has gone by since my last post. Wow. Life took precedence for awhile. I've been living for a year now in Michigan, and I really love it here.

My first winter here was beautiful. I have my computer set up in front of a large window that faces the backyard, and during the winter I would watch the snow falling softly against the background of bare trees. My dry spirit was filled with peacefulness and well being; something that had been missing for a long time.

Spring was rainy, but it brought such beautiful flowers to this part of the country. I have noticed that the plants and flowers here are more varied and vibrant than down south. I think it is because the sun does not beat down on them mercilessly here. It is an unexpected bonus for me. :)

My book is coming along, slowly but surely. I sent my fourth draft to Writing Coach, Esther Hershenhorn. She gave me invaluable advice and guidance, and I am so happy that I took that important step. I am now deep into my Fifth draft, and am amazed at how it has evolved and grown from the original draft.

I have set a goal for myself to finish this draft, and perhaps send it off again by years end. This is a roomy and reasonable goal, and I feel that I can meet it with no problem.

PS. I can't seem to insert the link to a blog that Esther writes for, so if you are interested, just copy and paste the following to your browser: