Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting Published...

I have been reading several good books on writing. I just finished, By Cunning & Craft by Peter Selgin. I really enjoyed his take on the writing process, and he had lots of great advice. He, along with many others, encourage the aspiring writer to get published in literary magazines and publications. Sort of a way to build credibility and a portfolio. He provided a nice list in his last chapter.

So, today I explored several of them online. I found a few to subscribe to, and I also found two Writing Contests to submit some of my Flash Fiction to. Flash Fiction, I discovered today, is a fiction work of less than 1,000 words. It seems that all of my writing, save my book, is that small, so I was really pleased to find an outlet for it.

I also subscribed to a weekly writing prompt through the Poets & Writers website. I do well with those, gives me a starting point. The blog, Teaching also provides a Writing Workout lesson, which I think I will commit to doing as well.

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