Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Later...

My dear friend, Ran wrote his memory of that horrible day in 2001:

"I live out west. I was up early to get ready for work. My poor wife had been up most of the night with our 2 year old daughter, so she was pooped and sleeping soundly.

So there I sat with a small light on polishing my boots. Normally I have CNN, Headline News, or something on the TV. This morning I felt bad for the wife and didn't want to disturb her so the TV was off. Well the phone rang. A phone call at this time in the morning is never a good thing. I jumped for the phone to answer it, but the wife fearing it will wake the baby grabs it with lighting speed.

My wife say hello, then drops the phone. My wife has the look of horror in her face, and I think oh no My Dad died. Now I'm trying to steady my self, and ask for the phone. I could not speak for some reason. Then My wife snaps off "Turn on CNN Now!" I turn on the TV just in time to see the second plane go into the World Trade Center live.

In silence my wife hand me the phone. My mother, ever the astute ex-street cop states "Those Bastards finally finished the job!" Then she further stated "You have a wife, and baby now!" "Not to mention your a Cop!" "Don't you dare go back into the Army!" I tell my Mom "OK, I'll talk to you later." Then for the next three hours I was glued to the TV.

That was the strangest day I have ever worked. The whole country just shut down, no one was out and about at all. I did almost go back into the army, but my Dad talked me out of it. Said I am needed here. He was right.

From that day till now I have lost many friends, both overseas, and here stateside. I still stand ready if the war comes to the small area I stand watch over.

Anyhow, All who where lost you are not forgotten. You are in my heart."

All I can add is that I watched the TV non-stop for days...barely leaving it to eat or anything.

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