Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jump Starting the Muse

I joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrator's ( ). They provide online tips and publications to help unpublished as well as published writers and illustrators. They also have an active forum, regional and national conferences, and even grants for aspiring writers!

One of their "Success Stories" involved a woman who read part of her story at a round table meeting at one of the SCBWI conferences. It just so happened that a representative from a publishing company was attending. She loved what the woman wrote...and now her book is published! Wow!

I also have the book, "Writing Children's Books for Dummies". It's a very useful book, and I have drawn so much from it. I do wish it didn't have the word 'Dummies' in the title. Not a good word for peeps to draw self confidence from. I know this is part of an entire series of how-to books, but I wish the author had started this series with a different word. Maybe 'Newbies'. :)

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